About Us
We are an all-age, local church made up of people from a wide spectrum of life and life experiences.
We seek to teach, understand and follow the whole message of the Bible, showing us how to be reconnected with God, which is the most vital need for everyone in our modern world.
Our desire to share this message goes into our community, schools, University and local villages.
We are an enthusiastic and warm-hearted church and our Sunday services cater for a broad range of tastes.
Our services are detailed here but we are a broad church and so offer a variety of services to appeal to as many people as possible.
We seek to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all our services, and Bible teaching is always a key ingredient of our meetings.
We are seeking to grow the church in depth, in outreach and in size and God is blessing us with answered prayers.
Why not come and see us and find out how God is moving?
I do hope to meet you soon.

Rev'd Will Pearson-Gee (Rector)