Prayer and Care

Would you like to be prayed for? If so, please email and someone will contact you.
Prayer is central to everything we do at Buckingham Parish Church, and happens in lots of different ways. In addition to prayer taking an important place in each of our services and in the lives of the individuals of our Church, there are a few different times devoted to prayer each week.
Prayer Ministry
After the 9am, 11am and 6pm services, there is a dedicated Prayer Ministry Team. They are there to talk with anyone who would like prayer for themselves or for someone else, and to pray for and with them. It could be about a particular situation which a person is facing, about their walk with God, or about anything at all which they would like prayer for.
Prayer Meetings
There are regular opportunities for the Church family to meet together and pray for individuals, the life and work of the Church, our community, and the world at large. There are both weekly and monthly meetings as detailed below:
Friday Prayer Meeting (Every Friday on Zoom, details in the weekly newsletter) We meet to pray specifically for the services which take place on Sunday.
Prayer and Praise (the first Monday of every month, 7.30pm, in Church
An hour of prayer, meditation and praise. Each month, different areas are focused upon in our prayers. Please see our current Prayer and Praise Points here.
Prayer Chain
We also have a confidential Prayer Chain managed by Gill Croxton (01280 815100). If you would like prayer for something or someone, please call Gill and this will be passed down the chain. Confidentiality is maintained at all times.
Grief Do's and Don'ts - a helpful article.
Pastoral Care
Our connect groups are the front line of Pastoral Care in the church. If you are not in a connect group and would like to find out more about them and how to become a part of one click
If you are in need of support, are housebound and would like home communion, or for any other pastoral concerns contact Jo Wigley on